Expert Skin Care Advice


Hier in onze tips sectie hebben we enkele tips verzameld die u kunt gebruiken als onderdeel van uw pre-sessie voorbereiding. Een goede voorbereiding kan het eindresultaat enorm helpen en uw behandeling aangenamer maken.

  • Tips voor een perfect wax behandeling

    Tips om je te helpen het meeste uit je wax sessie te halen Lees verder
    • Exfolieer de huid
      Exfolieer de huid minstens een keer per week met een goede scrub. Doe het 48 uur voor het harsen en doe het opnieuw, 3 dagen na het harsen.
    • Gebruik geen vochtinbrengende crème
      Vermijd het gebruik van een vochtinbrengende crème of lichaamsolie in de uren direct voor het harsen, zodat de was goed kan hechten aan het haar, waardoor het ontharen gemakkelijker wordt.
    • Neem indien mogelijk een bad
      Neem indien mogelijk een bad met warm water en neutrale zeep voordat u gaat waxen. Het warme water veroorzaakt verwijding van de poriën, waardoor ontharing met minder pijn mogelijk is. Herhaal na het harsen dezelfde procedure, maar deze keer met het water zo koud mogelijk en neutrale zeep.
    • Probeer comfortabele kleding te dragen
      Probeer vooral na het harsen als de huid gevoeliger is comfortabele en niet-strakke kleding te dragen, bij voorkeur kleding gemaakt van katoen die de huid laat ademen. Dit minimaliseert irritatie en kans op ingegroeide haartjes.
    • Vermijd blootstelling aan UV gedurende 48 uur
      Vermijd na het harsen blootstelling aan de zon gedurende 48 uur, wanneer de huid gevoeliger en delicater is. Vermijd om dezelfde reden ook de zonnebanken. Zwembaden en sauna's moeten ook worden vermeden binnen 24 uur na het harsen, wanneer de poriën nog open zijn en vatbaarder zijn voor ontstekingen.
    • Gebruik geen deodorant
      Gebruik na het waxen van uw oksels geen deodorant, idealiter 24 uur om het risico op verbranding of verdonkering van de huid te voorkomen.
    • Breng een vochtinbrengende crème aan
      Breng een vochtinbrengende crème met verzachtende werking of een gel met azuleen aan om te voorkomen dat haren in de dagen na ontharing ingroeien. Probeer dit indien mogelijk twee keer per dag te doen, zodat uw huid sneller herstelt en herstelt.
    • Wees voorzichtig als je al huidproblemen hebt
      U mag niet in de was worden gezet als uw huid last heeft van: acne, ontstekingen, infecties, open of met littekens bedekte littekens of enige irritatie door overmatige zon.
    • Combineer geen gezichtsbehandelingen en harsen
      ZEER BELANGRIJK: Als u gezichtsbehandeling op zuurbasis gebruikt of orale medicatie gebruikt voor het behandelen van de huid door afschilfering, wordt ontharen ontraden.
    • Vermijd huidbehandelingen op zuurbasis
      als u een op zuur gebaseerde huidbehandeling gebruikt, raden we u aan dit gedurende ten minste 7 dagen voor het harsen te stoppen, ongeacht of u van plan bent warme of koude was te gebruiken.
  • Vragen over harsen

    Antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen van onze klanten Lees verder
    • Zal het waxen de huid beschadigen?
      De meest agressieve vorm van ontharing is scheren, omdat scheren micro-agressie op de huid veroorzaakt. De reden is niet alleen het mes, maar ook het feit dat de persoon het mes in verschillende richtingen over de huid passeert, waardoor het haar van de ene naar de andere kant wordt gedragen. dit bevordert het ingroeien van haren en in sommige gevallen feliculites. Op deze manier kunnen deze ontstekingen, naast het verwonden van de huid, nog steeds optreden.
    • Veroorzaakt harsen ingegroeide haartjes?
      Er zijn twee hoofdoorzaken waarom vrouwen haartjes hebben. De eerste, wanneer de vrouw een hoog mannelijk hormoon heeft, de tweede, wanneer de haren gekruld zijn. Bij ontharing met was wordt het haar bij de wortel geplukt, waardoor de wortel na elke ontharing achtereenvolgens zwakker wordt. Het is erg belangrijk dat de huid wordt gehydrateerd en de dode cellen (keratinelaag) worden verwijderd. Op deze manier kan het haar de huid gemakkelijk breken en het ingegroeide haar vermijden.
    • Kunnen spataderen ontstaan door het waxen?
      Varicose veins are dilated and obstructed veins that have difficulty allowing a return blood flow and they have a very low hypodermis (the last layer of the skin). However, if there are ulcers and / or phlebitis, waxing is not recommended.
    • After waxing my skin turned red, is it normal?
      Yes, after waxing it is normal if the skin becomes red, especially in areas where the skin is more sensitive like the face, armpits and brasilian area. On your legs, after waxing it is normal if you feel itchy. This is because your blood circulation has been stimulated.
    • Does waxing the upper lip and eyebrow with hot wax can cause flaccid skin?
      Flaccidity is caused by weakening and consequently breaking the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin. This is not affected by the waxing process. To avoid/minimize the skin flacidity, you should avoid sun and infrared lamps (the ones that the solariums use), especially on the face where the skin is thinner and more delicate. Excessive exposure to UV radiation weakens the collagen and elastin fibers which support the skin.
    • Should people who have skin problems not do waxing?
      It depends. Each case is different. First we need to know and understand what type of problem or allergy we are talking about. In case of allergy, it's necessary to identify which substances are responsible for the allergy and then to ensure that the wax or any other product used in the process of waxing, doesn't contain the same substances. In cases of Atopic Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis), Psoriasis, and Acne, the inflammation areas should be avoided.
    • Can waxing with hot wax darken or stain the skin?
      Waxing with hot or cold wax, besides removing the hair by the root, also removes the layer of dead cells (keratin) that protect the skin. In this way, the skin becomes more sensitive and vulnerable to external factors, like for instance, sun exposure, solariums, saunas and deodorants (in the armpits case). Therefore, after waxing, you should have more care with areas that have been waxing, avoiding any aggression that may darken or stain the skin.
    • Is waxing with hot wax less painful than with cold wax?
      Yes. Hot wax encourages pore dilation, facilitating the extraction of the hair with less pain.
    • How long do I have to wait until I can be waxed again?
      When waxing, we also remove the corneal layer (dead cells) that protects the skin. Generally, the skin takes on average 28 days to recover after waxing. So it's important that you try to respect this interval as much as you can.
    • After waxing, can tweezers be used to remove the remaining hairs?
      Yes, no problem! The few hairs that have resisted waxing should be extracted with tweezers to leave a hair free surface. This is an essential part of the waxing service. Don´t be so afraid of tweezers! The pores are already dilated, so the extraction of these hairs should be easier.
    • Is Roll-On waxing safe?
      Roll-On wax is a disposable wax and it is safe. Like any other waxing service, hot or cold, the client should make sure that the wax used is disposable and not reused (no double dipping).
    • Waxing and the Sun. What care should be taken?
      Its always good practice to avoid excessive exposure to the sun, especially after waxing. The sun exposure should be avoided at least 24 hours before and after had waxing. Before waxing: the sun will burn and sensitize your skin, making it more fragile and reactive. Wax on sensitive skin may cause burns and/or dark spots. After waxing, the skin is more sensitive and vulnerable because we not only removed the hair, but also the corneal layer (layer of dead cells) that is the natural protection of the skin. In this way, when exposed to the sun, even with sunscreen, it can damage the skin causing stains, burns prematurely ageing the skin. WARNING: If you are heavily sun tanned by sun exposure or if you are using chemical products, when you do waxing with hot/cold wax, you run the risk of losing your tan or getting stained where the wax has been placed.
    • Can I use anesthetic cream or pain killer before waxing?
      Local anesthetics may be used, however we don't recommend these because in some cases they can cause allergic reactions. We also don't recommend using pain killers. Avoid taking any medication unless you really need it.
    • I'm pregnant, can I do waxing?
      There is no restriction for pregnant women being waxed and actually, it's safe up to the ninth month. However, there are some precautions that should be taken. With hot wax, special attention should be paid to the wax temperature. Women have enhanced sensitivity during pregnancy (which may increase closer to pregnancy) and excessive heat can traumatize the skin and leave marks.
    • Can I be waxed during my period?
      Yes you can. For the person doing the waxing there is no inconvenience when you are menstruating as long as you use a tampon. However, at this stage, and because most woman are more sensitive at this time, waxing may be more In the pre-menstrual phase, there is a progesterone increase, which can make the skin more sensitive and so if you are waxing at this time you may also feel more pain. Whenever possible, plan your waxing for post-menstruation. This is the stage where your estrogen level is high, a hormone responsible for making us more tolerant, which means less pain for you!

    Frequently asked questions about our laser treatment Lees verder
    • How many treatments are needed to get a good permanent result?
      As with all things related to skin, the answer is ... it depends. That is not a useful answer though. Typically we see permanent results in 8 - 10 sessions. The speed and effectiveness of a laser session is dependent on skin colour, hair colour and skin type, and in some cases the body area being treated. White skin dark hair shows the fastest results. Hair with low contrast (white skin/light coloured hair or dark skin dark hair) will take longer, and in some cases might not be appropriate for laser. The best way is to book a free assessment appointment and we can advise you before you begin.
    • s there any preparation needed before a laser session?
      Unlike other laser treatments or IPL, with our laser you should shave the to be treated area 1 to 2 days before your session date. This is the case with all your laser sessions. The laser hair removal process relies on there being almost no (length) of hair above skin level. This is used to guide the laser light down to the follicle.
    • I heard that skin becomes light sensitive during the laser treatment period?
      Its not that skin becomes light sensitive, but we do advise that 10 days before and after a treatment exposure to the Sun or UV light be minimised. When you do need to expose skin to sunlight in this period, a high sun factor cream should be used in the laser treated areas.
    • Are there any times when I cannot be treated, such as when pregnant or during my period?
      Periods are not a problem. During pregnancy we only laser upper body areas and not in the middle body. Lower legs are possible but upper legs are not.
    • Are there any side effects from the treatment?
      Many patients experience no side effects from laser treatment. Some patients do experience some soreness or redness within 24 hours after treatment. This is normal and fades after a few days. During your first laser session we will explain what to look for and you can contact us if pain or soreness persists.
    • What if I have moles or skin blemishes, is that a problem?
      We try to avoid shining laser light on skin moles and blemishes. We protect skin near the area to be treated so that light impact is minimised.
    • What will happen to the hair that has been treated?
      Normally the hair will fall out. You will notice this on towels and clothes during the treatment period. This is normal and indicates successful treatment.
    • Is laser treatment painful?
      You will experience some mild local pain because the treatment process heats up the hair root (follicle). This is better described as discomfort and not pain. During your first session your beautician will set the laser power to minimise pain., though the pain is not as intense as with waxing.
    • Do I need to wear protective clothes or glasses
      Yes, we will always insist you were our protective eye glasses. In addition, the beautician will cover your skin to ensure only the area being treated is exposed. Apart from that there is no special clothing requirement.
    • How do I know if my hair and skin type is good for laser treatment?
      We will invite you for an initial consultation session to evaluate your skin/hair type and explain the process to you. In addition to the hair/skin assessment, we will discuss your expectation of results and also body areas that you want to consider for treatment.
    • How much time do I need between treatments, is there a minimum and maximum?
      There should be a period of several weeks between treatments. This varies per body area. Face and head require the least time (5 weeks) and areas such as legs and torso the most (average 8 weeks). We can explain more when you come for your initial evaluation session.

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